Use a Holistic Method to Bid Endometriosis Goodbye: 3 Ways Osteopathy Could Ease Painful Menstruation

Posted on: 16 January 2020

If your womb lining or uterine tissue is growing in the bowel, fallopian tubes, ovaries and other internal parts, it could be due to endometriosis. As the hormones change during menstruation, the womb or uterine lining tissue may break down and cause painful menstruation and probably result in some long-term painful scar tissues or adhesions. When endometriosis symptoms appear, most women think of visiting a gynaecologist. But did you know that an osteopath could have more effective holistic techniques to ease or treat endometriosis?

Osteopaths are medical professionals who use manipulative techniques such as gentle balancing, stretching, muscle energy technique, joint manipulation, dry needling, cupping, prescriptive pilates exercises, fascial release and soft tissue massage to ease endometriosis. Osteopathy is a holistic approach that enhances emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. During endometriosis, the ligaments, fascia, nerves and bone muscles in your abdomen or pelvis go through substantial adaptations, causing pain. Here is how women with endometriosis could benefit from osteopathy:

Goodbye 'Endo Belly'

Most women with endometriosis experience excessive bloating and always complain of 'endo belly'. If you have a tight pelvic floor, your belly could balloon out because the pelvic floor doesn't offer the support it's designed to provide. If you have developed endometriosis, your body could release a protective response against it and spasm. During osteopathy, the protective response gets relaxed, and the lymphatic system is improved to absorb inflammation. The excessive bloating or 'outpouching' comes about when the abdominal muscles–psoas muscles and hip flexor muscles–develop spasms. Most osteopaths use visceral manipulation therapy to ease distension, bloating and pelvic pain.

Stronger Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor refers to the muscles that line the floor of the pelvis. These muscles don't only help with urinary and faecal release, but they also aid in sexual performance, such as orgasming. Pelvic floor stabilises the sacroiliac and hip joints and supports the pelvic organs. Most women experience painful sex when the pelvic floor doesn't have the required strength. Pelvic floor dysfunction develops once the pelvic floor muscles can no longer coordinate pelvic floor relaxation and contraction effectively. However, osteopaths use some holistic interventions to strengthen the pelvic floor and help it regain coordination.

You Are Empowered

Most women have suffered from endometriosis for so long due to delayed diagnosis. Others have tried several treatment options that didn't work and were eventually convinced that the pain is psychological. However, osteopathy is the new technique you need to try to bid endometriosis goodbye. A good osteopath analyses the symptoms before they determine the treatment technique to use. Osteopathy doesn't focus on the pain women develop, but on treating musculoskeletal issues causing it. 

Professional osteopaths focus on the abdomen, spine and pelvis to help women who have endometriosis get better. They use movement patterns, fascial systems, musculature and alignment in the body and pelvis to identify the cause of pain and decreased quality of life. To learn more, reach out to osteopaths in your area.
